mislead souls to an illusion
This is a animation storyline titled ( Misleading souls to an illusion). The ancient town in the old testament called lodebar. In it's accuracy and landscapes would be a town totally different from the photo/image above Because it"s still existing But hidden. Dark storm"09 Is the original publishers of this image, And we do not claim the rights too this photo, But an example of it's existance today. https://www.gotquestions.org/Lo-Debar-in-the-Bible.html Assuming this was the last time that many eyes were not to open in this life, But in another Life after death comes darkness' First. For the eye's that have seen wickedness are now shut tight forever! but the consciousness is still awake! instantly imagining that not alone no voices to speak or no ears to listen for anything in particular, But to see only an inner vision of shadows in waist land where there we're sounds of millions of clear bags that birst every other second,like a strange popping nois...