There's an undesirable me, that shadows all the goodness about our character Flaws' that haunt the greatness of our being, And when this happens" who is there in our defence? Yes JESUS CHRIST!!! standing in the front line with open arms' awaiting to accept our repentance for forgiveness saying NOW WHO SHALL BE THE FIRST TO CAST THE STONE? My testimony titled: Outline the principle: This is where i met death at this location listed at the bottom of this page. Last remembering sitting on the stairway of Sholom Temple church on park ave found laying on the ground pronounced DOA. Was admitted in the hospital after being revive around three weeks and was discharged 6/2015. Being still in denial that this was a story to share maybe to someone that was giving up and possibly chain smoking cigarettes and drinking their life away! Goes to show you that five years later in the beginning of the year 2020 I begin to realize that my time here on earth was possibly short even with the knowledge years before that I was told by my DRs in chicago that i had a large heart sitting uncommonly under my arm pit and later was going to have a heart defibrillator with two major disease. Along with this story told, There are many another blog stories to share monthly In reference to Musakmasters variety of links to read, learn and teach.
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